IGENEX Inc. Lab Forms
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IGeneX, Inc. Reference Laboratory Specializing in Lyme and Other Tick-borne Diseases
Based on our tracking, as well as input from our referring physicians and our clinical consultant, the initial panel to order for Lyme disease is the Complete Lyme Panel.
The Complete Lyme Panel includes the IFA, Western Blots and PCR. The IFA (Immunofluorescent Assay) is a screening test for antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease. The Western Blot tests determine the specific type of anti-B. burgdorferi antibodies an individual makes. The PCR tests detect B. burgdorferi-specific DNAs.
6050 – Complete Lyme Panel**:
Includes Test 230 Lyme IFA**
188 IgM Western Blot
189 IgG Western Blot
453 Lyme PCR, serum
456 Lyme PCR, whole blood

5010 – Initial Lyme Panel:
Includes Test 188 IgM Western Blot
189 IgG Western Blot
453 Lyme PCR, serum
456 Lyme PCR, whole blood
Note: If a patient’s Western Blot is positive by either IgM or IgG and has only bands 31kDa and 41kDa, there is a chance that it is a false positive due to presence of antibodies to viruses or other spirochetes. Therefore, confirmation of band 31kDa is recommended – Test 488- 31kDa Epitope** for IgM and Test 489 – 31kDa Epitope** for IgG. Addition of this test improves specificity to greater than 97%.
The follow-up test for Lyme disease, if the initial panel tests are negative, is the 875 – Lyme Dot Blot and PCR Panel**. This panel looks for pieces of the bacteria in urine as well as DNA of B. burgdorferi in the urine. Most physicians use an antibiotic challenge to make the test more sensitive. The antibiotic protocol, as well as the general instructions can be found in the urine collection kit available from the laboratory.
We also offer tests for the common other tick-borne pathogens such as Babesia, Human Granulocytic Anaplasma (HGA), Human Monocytic Ehrlichia (HME), Bartonella and Rickettsia. These other tick- borne diseases are seen in approximately 20% of the patients with Lyme disease. The typical first tests to order for the other tick-borne diseases are IFA antibody tests, dependent on the region you live or have traveled in.
The variety of Panels available are:
5080 Western Regional Complete Co-Infection Panel**
Babesia duncani IgG & IgM, Babesia FISH, HME IgG & IgM, HGA IgG & IgM, Bartonella IgG & IgM
5085 New Western Regional Complete Co-Infection Panel**
Babesia duncani IgG & IgM, Babesia FISH, HME IgG & IgM, HGA IgG & IgM, Bartonella IgG & IgM, Bartonella FISH
5095 New Complete Co-Infection Panel**
Babesia microti IgG & IgM, Babesia FISH, HME IgG & IgM, HGA IgG & IgM, Bartonella IgG & IgM, Bartonella FISH
5090 Complete Co-Infection Panel
Babesia microti IgG & IgM, Babesia FISH, HME IgG & IgM, HGA IgG & IgM, Bartonella IgG & IgM
The CD57** test and Chlamydophila pneumoniae IgG** and IgA** ELISA tests are also available as part of the testing menu, though not Lyme specific. The CD57 test measures CD57 killer cells which can be very low in patients with chronic diseases. C. pneumoniae can cause acute respiratory disease, but it can persist in patients with chronic respiratory conditions and cardiovascular disease.
Test collection kits are available with shipping materials at no charge from IGeneX, Inc. – Call (800) 832-3200 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Please include your name, complete mailing address and tests to be ordered.
Nick S. Harris, Ph.D. and Steven J. Harris, MD
** Test(s) not yet available for NY Residents